Which type of business risk involves both the possibility of gain as well as the possibility of loss?
· Business-to-business (B2B). Most of EC today is of this
type. It includes the EDI transactions described earlier and
electronic market transactions between organizations.
• Business-to-consumer (B2C). These are retailing
transactions with individual shoppers. The typical shopper at
Amazon.com is a consumer, or customer.
• Consumer-to-consumer (C2C). In this category consumer
sells directly to consumers. Examples are individuals selling
in classified ads (e.g., www.clas-sified2000.com) and selling
residential property, cars, and so on. Advertising personal
services on the Internet and selling knowledge and expertise
is another example of C2C. Several auction sites allow
individuals to put items up for auctions. Finally, many
individuals are using intranets and other organizational
internal networks to advertise items for sale or services.
• Consumer-to-business (C2B). This category includes
individuals who sell products or services to organizations, as
well as individuals who seek sellers, interact with them, and
conclude a transaction.
• Nonbusiness EC. An increased number of nonbusiness
institutions such as academic institutions, not-for-profit
organizations, religious organizations, social organizations,
and government agencies are using various types of EC to
reduce their expenses (e.g., improve purchasing) or to
improve their operations and customer service. (Note that in
the previous categories one can usually replace the word
business with organization.)
• Intrabusiness (organizational) EC. In this category we
include all internal organizational activities, usually
performed on intranets, that involve exchange of goods,
services or information. Activities can range from selling
corporate products to Employees to online training and cost
reduction activities.