which type of direction is attitude?
An attitude expresses how a person feels towards an object. It expresses (1) direction – the person is either favorable or unfavorable toward or for or against the object (2) degree – how much the person either likes or dislikes the object and (3) intensity — the level of sureness or confidence of expression about the object or how strongly a person feels about his or her conviction. Although degree and intensity might seem the same and are actually related, they are not synonymous. For example a person may feel that a Snapper riding mower is very poorly made. This indicates that his attitude is negative and the degree of negative feeling is quite extensive. However, the individual may have very little conscious or feeling of sureness (intensity in attitude) that he is right. Thus, his attitude could be more easily changed in a favorable direction than a person who feels a strong conviction that Snapper mower is poorly made.