Biology, asked by bhanuritesh5, 1 year ago

Which type of respiration is observed in the following situations?

(a) Child walking in the park (b) Cheetah catching its prey (c) Man weightlifting

(d) Cows eating grass (e) Bacteria in a vacuum​


Answered by shauryarajput1509


A)aerobic respiration

B)anaerobic respiration

C)anaerobic respiration

D)aerobic respiration

E)anaerobic respiration

Answered by nairaryaashok01


(a) Aerobic respiration

(b) Anaerobic respiration

(c) Anaerobic respiration

(d) Aerobic respiration

(e) Anaerobic respiration


  • Respiration is a process through which living organisms produce energy. Respiration can be of two types; aerobic and anerobic.
  • Aerobic respiration is the respiration that makes use of oxygen to produce energy. In this method, large amounts of energy is produced.
  • Anerobic respiration is the respiration that takes place in the absence of oxygen. Energy produced through this method is very low.

In cases (a), and (d); the child and the cow are not undergoing any vigorous activity and thus would not run out of oxygen. This means that they are respiring aerobically.

Where as in cases (b), (c) and (e); the organisms are in short of oxygen. The cheetah and the man is undergoing vigorous physical activities that would use-up a lot of oxygen. The bacteria would also respire anaerobically as it lacks oxygen.

Learn more about anaerobic and aerobic respiration:

Anerobic respiration:

Aerobic respiration:

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