Which type of visual aspect would be considered ineffective or not very accurate at conveying quantitativeor ordinal data?
The type of visual aspect could be considered as, ineffective or not very accurate, at conveying the quantitative or ordinal data. As we discussed about data, that once had the shape of the given data is known by us. As a result the different types of data can be encoded with different properties.
Shapes are considered ineffective or not very accurate at conveying quantitative or ordinal data.
Visual aspect requires mapping data in a visual format and sometimes in an auditory method for the persons using the process of visualisation. There are various elements which are involved in regards to visualisation. Structures need to be created to understand and visualise the data.
The visual process uses Spatial substrate which relates to the dimensions, graphical elements relate to the lines and points and graphical properties relates to the size of point, lines orientation of lines for visualising the data.