Science, asked by albertenstien, 1 year ago

which uses more energy a 250 watt TV set in 1 hours or a 1200 watt toaster in 10 minutes


Answered by KunalTheGreat
Hey there! 

Your Dearest Star is here to help! ♡♥

For T.V set
Power (P) = 250w,
 Time (t) = 1hr=60×60=3600s
For ToasterPower (P) = 1200w,
Time (t) = 10min=10×60=600s
We know that Energy (E) = P×t
∴ Energy consumed by a TV set = 250 × 3600 = 9 × 105J
∴ Energy consumed by a toaster = 1200 × 600 = 7.2× 105J
 the energy consumed by a 250 W TV set in 1 h is more than the energy consumed by a toaster of power 1200 W in 10 minutes.

Thanks for the awesome question :D !

Hope you are helped ❣
#Enjoy using ❀
Answered by singindre824
pls Mark has brilleast pl
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