which weeds grow with crop
Plants often considered to be weeds
Amaranth – ("pigweed") annual with copious long-lasting seeds, also a highly edible and resilient food source.
Bermuda grass – perennial, spreading by runners, rhizomes and seeds.
Broadleaf plantain – perennial, spreads by seeds that persist in the soil for many years
The impact of weeds on agriculture
Weeds reduce farm and forest productivity, they invade crops, smother pastures and in some cases can harm livestock. They aggressively compete for water, nutrients and sunlight, resulting in reduced crop yield and poor crop quality.
Example, Ageratum conyzoides, Digitaria spp., and host others can be found in cassava, cowpea, groundnut and several other crop fields. it is not the question 'which weed is specific to which crop'.