which word does whispered not correspond to
Answer:Synonyms & Antonyms of whispered (Entry 1 of 2)
Synonyms & Antonyms of whispered (Entry 1 of 2)as in muttered, mumbled
Synonyms & Antonyms of whispered (Entry 1 of 2)as in muttered, mumbledSynonyms & Near Synonyms for whispered
Synonyms & Antonyms of whispered (Entry 1 of 2)as in muttered, mumbledSynonyms & Near Synonyms for whisperedbreathed, chirped, drawled, gasped, intoned, mouthed, mumbled, murmured, muttered, purred, shouted, spluttered, sputtered, squeaked
Synonyms & Antonyms of whispered (Entry 1 of 2)as in muttered, mumbledSynonyms & Near Synonyms for whisperedbreathed, chirped, drawled, gasped, intoned, mouthed, mumbled, murmured, muttered, purred, shouted, spluttered, sputtered, squeakedarticulated, enunciated, pronounced, sonant
Synonyms & Antonyms of whispered (Entry 1 of 2)as in muttered, mumbledSynonyms & Near Synonyms for whisperedbreathed, chirped, drawled, gasped, intoned, mouthed, mumbled, murmured, muttered, purred, shouted, spluttered, sputtered, squeakedarticulated, enunciated, pronounced, sonantoral, spoken, uttered, vocal, voiced
Synonyms & Antonyms of whispered (Entry 1 of 2)as in muttered, mumbledSynonyms & Near Synonyms for whisperedbreathed, chirped, drawled, gasped, intoned, mouthed, mumbled, murmured, muttered, purred, shouted, spluttered, sputtered, squeakedarticulated, enunciated, pronounced, sonantoral, spoken, uttered, vocal, voicedAntonyms & Near Antonyms for whispered
i hope its right answer