English, asked by anusha4769, 5 months ago

Which word has the most positive connotation?


Answered by PoorviVT


Totally an opinion, but It's a tossup between "embrace" and "complete" for me. And since embrace is an active human connection whereas "complete" is, in a way, finished, I'll

choose "embrace".

The most positive connotation... that is a matter of opinion. But having said that, let me offer my opinion. Let's look at each word in turn:

Comply - comply tends to have an "or else" component to it, as in "You will comply with the rules of this school or else you will be expelled." Pretty harsh connotation.

Embrace - embrace can have a very positive connotation - I embrace my wife and those I love, I embrace life, I embrace creativity and ideas. Pretty positive connotation.

Complete - Something that is complete is done, finished, or all there. Ever work on a jigsaw puzzle and you couldn't complete it because a piece was missing? Things that are

complete have a positive connotation.

Cling - Cling is great for a plastic wrap but not so good for a person - have you ever heard of someone being "clingy" in a good way? Pretty bad connotation.

So it's a toss-up between "embrace" and "complete" for me. And since embrace is an active human connection whereas "complete" is, in a way, finished, I'll choose "embrace".

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