While lemon water gives a wide range of health benefits, be careful not to use too much lemon juice in order to avoid causing or worsening health problems such as ulcers, heartburn, and gerd.
lemons are excellent sources of vitamin C. The juice from one lemon, which is a little more than an ounce and the amount often used to make 1 cup of lemonade, provides about 19 milligrams of vitamin C.
The acids in lemon juice can cause gastrointestinal side effects. Acidic foods may worsen symptoms of gastrointestinal reflux disease, or GERD, and some people get an upset stomach when they consume too much ascorbic acid. tooth enamel begins to erode from foods or beverages with a pH of 4, so the acidity of lemon juice can harm your teeth. Protect your teeth by rinsing with water when you're done drinking lemon juice. It also helps to hold off on brushing for at least an hour to avoid rubbing acids around on your teeth with the toothbrush.