English, asked by yuritrochin, 7 months ago

While you are indoor with your family due to the pandemic, relishing delicious cuisines, enjoying blissful family time you recently came across a news that strongly contrast with your state of living. “The poor daily wage laborers making all their way back home with their families from different parts of the country on foot without food, shelter and money for survival. Many lost their life and many children of the poor laborers became orphan.” You were shocked and saddened at this unfavorable picture of a country which boasts of being a major economy in the world.Record your opinion, experience and feelings in the form of a diary entry in not more than 80-100 words.


Answered by JackelineCasarez



29th July 2020,


18:06 AM,

Dear Diary,

Today I came across a news on the television about the miserable condition of poor daily wage workers in this time of the pandemic. While we have been staying home, trying and relishing different cuisines, spending quality time that stands directly in contrast to their condition who are struggling to survive every moment. Due to lockdown, their jobs are snatched in a moment which is the only source of their family's living. They have such a low income that hardly has any savings and that too is spent in managing their survival. They do not have money to pay rent of their small rooms neither can they manage to survive here without work nor they can return home due to the unavailability of transport and money.

This has led them to take the unwanted step of traveling the miles of distances to way back to their homes in different parts of the country on foot with small kids and families in the scorching sun and rains and that too without any food to ensure their survival. Due to lack of food, many of them lost their lives and children became orphans. I was shocked yet depressed seeing such miserable conditions of our country which boasts of being a major economy in the world and couldn't even feed one of the major pillars of our economy and left them to die out of starvation. No politicians or celebrities are coming out to help them. I am completely depressed by seeing their situation and feeling ashamed that after 70 years of independence we couldn't make it even to the basic needs for survival. This pandemic has revealed the hollowness of our so-called development.

Learn more: diary-entry


Answered by Anonymous


The examiner warned that when the bell rang, they must stop writing. (Change the narration)

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