Whis is not a unique features of EVS?
EVS (Environmental Studies) has all the features and works, which are related to the development and protection of environment, and the main objective of EVS, is to make a sustainable developing environment, for all living beings, and make it possible to have a long and healthy life.
- The most important fact in present day is, resource utilization is done by humans, but the source of resources are not being compensated.
- Resources are coming to an end, with the use of environmental resources, it becomes duty of every individual to spend some time for caring the nature.
Environmental science is the study which deals with the nature. It teaches the students how to conserve the ecosystem, how to protect the flora and fauna of a place and how to make the development of the ecosystem through various means.
Basically it teaches the students how to preserve and protect the environment and how to develop the environment in which we sustain. These are the some of the basic aims why we need to study the environmental science in every level of our life.