Computer Science, asked by bhenderson3826, 11 months ago

Whish of the following is an example of ICT gadget EXCEPT


Answered by bala216668
Saxophone is the answer
Answered by sujalnagar762


Surely, nowadays everybody knows what a gadget is. “A smart device performing certain functions” ... What functions? The answer may be extended. There are thousands of gadgets with various functions and methods of use. Let’s try to put in good order all types and subtypes of gadgets known to us, making a sort of classification. To begin with, let’s try to make clear the word “gadget” itself.

"Gadget is a technical device (including digital technologies) with enhanced functionality and limited possibilities".

It is important not to confuse the true meanings of the words “gadget” and “ device”.

Device is an item or instrument used to do certain work or/and achieve a certain result. Thus, a personal computer and video camera are devices. But, for example, a gaming joystick or helicopter for a camera, they are gadgets. Have you caught the difference?

Often it is hard to differentiate these two notions, as their meaning are very similar. The main thing here is to understand that any gadget is a device, but not each device is a gadget.

Classification of gadgets

Following the technologic advances of last decades, lots of gadgets designed for various tasks appear. Often one and the same device performs a great variety of functions, this circumstance allows referring it to more than one gadget classes.

To divide these devices into groups is rather a hard task, considering their great variety and amount. However, we can define some major categories combining gadgets with similar functionality and covering the majority of devices.

Some years ago our portal has already state this sort of “catalogue”. Then it included “mobile phones, USB-gadgets, spy and iPod-gadgets, medical gadgets”. For the last years the hi-tech world has changed greatly: some devices have left our reviews, while the others have appeared. So, the time has come to “put everything on its place on a shelf” and “count them all”. Start!

UPD: 06/06/2020 This guide covers new trendy technologies used in modern gadgets that have been developed in the 2000s. These are racing drones that have helped integrate drones in general into daily life and streamer webcams that combine the power of high-speed internet and small cameras. Surround sound headphones provide the user with the best possible audio experience, leveraging everything from Bluetooth to high-end audio engineering. Increasingly popular VR headsets have found a new application and are used by customers to enjoy porn, placing the user as a player.


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