a newspaper
a letter to the Editor
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•™write a letter to editor of newspaper regarding the roads in your locality?
the editor
the times of India
subject: Latter to the editor about the road in the locality.
Sir ,
I would like to draw the attention of the municipality through your esteemed newspaper.
for over two months, mujhapapapur ,nahar road has been almost impasssable to walk smoothly. heavy rains have badly broken up the surface. In dark night ,it is dangerous for moter cars and other carriages to pass that way . besides there is heaps of road material on both sides of the road .
Our municipality Is silent over this condition .it is that people should be kept neglected in this manner for months.
I hope that the road environment is put in thorough repair without any further delay.
Thanking you.
yours sincerely,
address=> ??????