White blood are called ' soldiers of the body'. Why ?
White blood cells are cells of the system, which play a neighborhood in protecting the body against infectious diseases and foreign bodies. These cells flow with the blood throughout the body then scavenge and kill the parasites and foreign bodies. Hence, they are called soldiers of the body
- White Blood cells are called soldiers of the body because of following reasons :-
⇒ They safeguard our body from any kind of disease or infection.
⇒ They have the ability of compressing the capillaries to finish the effects of disease-causing germs ( called Pathogens ).
⇒ They're involved in the formation of antibodies that protects our body from foreign bacterias and helps in gaining immunity.
1) The White blood cells can be classified into 3 types :-
- Lymphocytes
- Monocytes , and
- Granulocytes
2) The whites blood cells can survive from 13-20 days.
3) The Citrus fruits ( such as Orange ) can be consumed for increasing the amount of White blood cells in human blood.