English, asked by navya8368, 1 month ago

Who al accompanied the poet on this journey?
a) Poet's friend b) Poet's Wife c) Prophet d) No one, the poet was alone.


Answered by Anonymous


Question 1.

Question 1.How poet is feeling while travelling to lyonnesse?

Question 1.How poet is feeling while travelling to lyonnesse?Answer:

Question 1.How poet is feeling while travelling to lyonnesse?Answer:The poet is feeling lonely while travelling as no one accompanied him.

Question 1.How poet is feeling while travelling to lyonnesse?Answer:The poet is feeling lonely while travelling as no one accompanied him.Question 2.

Question 1.How poet is feeling while travelling to lyonnesse?Answer:The poet is feeling lonely while travelling as no one accompanied him.Question 2.What changes occur in poet after he returned from lyonnesse?

Question 1.How poet is feeling while travelling to lyonnesse?Answer:The poet is feeling lonely while travelling as no one accompanied him.Question 2.What changes occur in poet after he returned from lyonnesse?Answer:

Question 1.How poet is feeling while travelling to lyonnesse?Answer:The poet is feeling lonely while travelling as no one accompanied him.Question 2.What changes occur in poet after he returned from lyonnesse?Answer:When the poet returned from Lyonnesse he had strange glows in his eyes. It seemed as if he had magical eyes that glowed from inner radiance.

Question 1.How poet is feeling while travelling to lyonnesse?Answer:The poet is feeling lonely while travelling as no one accompanied him.Question 2.What changes occur in poet after he returned from lyonnesse?Answer:When the poet returned from Lyonnesse he had strange glows in his eyes. It seemed as if he had magical eyes that glowed from inner radiance.Question 3.

Question 1.How poet is feeling while travelling to lyonnesse?Answer:The poet is feeling lonely while travelling as no one accompanied him.Question 2.What changes occur in poet after he returned from lyonnesse?Answer:When the poet returned from Lyonnesse he had strange glows in his eyes. It seemed as if he had magical eyes that glowed from inner radiance.Question 3.Which season is there when poet is travelling?

Question 1.How poet is feeling while travelling to lyonnesse?Answer:The poet is feeling lonely while travelling as no one accompanied him.Question 2.What changes occur in poet after he returned from lyonnesse?Answer:When the poet returned from Lyonnesse he had strange glows in his eyes. It seemed as if he had magical eyes that glowed from inner radiance.Question 3.Which season is there when poet is travelling?Answer:

Question 1.How poet is feeling while travelling to lyonnesse?Answer:The poet is feeling lonely while travelling as no one accompanied him.Question 2.What changes occur in poet after he returned from lyonnesse?Answer:When the poet returned from Lyonnesse he had strange glows in his eyes. It seemed as if he had magical eyes that glowed from inner radiance.Question 3.Which season is there when poet is travelling?Answer:The winter season is in the poem. This can be understood by the line. The rime was on the spray.

Answered by sonu2008so


d)no one,the poet was alone...

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