Psychology, asked by dharmpalkumar8659, 1 year ago

Who am I In Unconscious
Or in A person who not remember anything about him


Answered by wipronreddy


what I did not get your questions

Answered by ashauthiras


When you get hurt the mind likes to protect you from pain. Therefore painful memories become harder to recall. Associations to painful memories also become difficult to recall. If you feel as if you have little to learn from the experience memories again become difficult to recall.

Ask yourself the following questions.

1) What attracted you to him? (Hints as to why: confidence, funny, funny critical of you, intelligence, goal oriented)

2) How happy were you with the relationship?

2a) How often did you test his need to be in a relationship with you?

3) Did he satisfy your relationship goals in mental, emotional and physical ways?

Let go of the pain, it is only a memory of a feeling. Forgive yourself and your boyfriend for your behaviour towards each other as both of you felt you were doing what was best at that moment in time.

To let go of the emotional pain, try the following exercise. Imagine keeping what you learned in a diary. When you have finished finger writing in the diary, take the painful feelings and mentally put them into a boat that sits a comfortable distance in front of you. Let the boat float into your head. See it collecting any leftover pain you missed as it passes through and out the back of your head. Now imagine the boat floating into the sunset that is happening behind you and disappears forever into the sun leaving only a sense of peace and happiness.

In theory this should help you look at your memories with the emotional attachment removed from them.


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