who are nine gems from the Gupta age period
But, Ashoka is one of the greatest ruler of India because of many different reasons.
They are-
Ashoka was a cruel ruler in his first few years. But, Ashoka later changed into a good and efficient ruler.
Under his rule, the whole Indian sub-continent was politically under a single ruler for the first time.
He not only cared for humans but also made safe places (perhaps wildlife sanctuaries) for animals and birds.
His administration was beyond compare. He controlled the whole sub-continent alone efficiently.
Indian economy grew rapidly in his rule due to increase of trade with western kingdoms.
He spread the religion of Buddhism to all directions. He himself believed in non- violence.
There was peace in the kingdom.
There are many more reasons for why he is a famous ruler. He was such an efficient ruler, that he was called Devanam Piyam Piyadasi.