Who are the important Saints of the Virashaivism?
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The Idea Of A Supreme God
Nayanars and Alvars
Philosophy and Bhakti
Basavanna's Virashaivism
The Saints of Maharashtra
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Islam and Sufism
New Religious Movements in the North
Baba Guru Nanak
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Chapter 8 - Devotional Paths To The Divine
Our Pasts - II
Basavanna's Virashaivism
The Tamil bhakti movement and temple worship came together to create the Virashaiva movement that began in Karnataka in the mid-twelfth century.
It was initiated by Basavanna and other virashaivas such as Allama Prabhu and Akkamahadevi. They fought for the equality of all human beings and against the Brahmanical ideas of caste and poor treatment of women.
They were also against religious rituals and idol worship.