who can ans please within no time
In each equation, the first two numbers are multiplied and the product is added to the first number.
For example:
is the answer
Step-by-step explanation:
After reviewing other answers I realized that there is more than one solution to this question depending on how the question and its pattern(s) are perceived. I found this circumstance really interesting as well as humbling to realize that what I thought of as “The” only solution was really just one possible answer. I decided to leave my initial answer unchanged and to add another potential solution as follows to demonstrate that there really is more than one answer and to illustrate the contrast in answers simply based on perceiving the equations and their pattern(s) in a different way. In my first response to the question, I perceived each equation as an isolated set to solve for the solution but in the following answer, each set is linked and dependant on the previous set as I will demonstrate. In the alternate solution, each set in the equation is solved naturally by addition and the sum is then added to the solution of the next equation.
Alternate solution to (1+4 =5 and 2+5 =12 and 3+6 = 21, then 8+11=?):
1 + 4 = [5] (added to next equations solution)
2 + 5 = 7 + [5] = [12] (added to next equations solution)
3 + 6 = 9 + [12] = [21] (added to next equations solution)
8 + 11 = 19 + [21] = 40 alternate solution.
Despite the differences in the final solution, both of these solutions (96 & 40) are correct.
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