Biology, asked by shivanisingh6944, 1 month ago

who can explain me full human circulatory system in Hindi for 7th​


Answered by ayushanishp


The human body is a complex machine, requiring many processes to function efficiently. To keep these crucial processes running without any hitches, vital elements and components need to be delivered to the various parts of the body.

This role of transportation is undertaken by the human circulatory system, moving essential nutrients and minerals throughout the body and metabolic waste products away from the body. Below is the neat labelled Circulatory system diagram.

Read more: Human Body Anatomy

Read on to explore intricate about the human circulatory system and its components in greater detail.

Table of Contents

Human Circulatory System




Double Circulation


Blood Cells

Blood Vessels

Lymphatic System


Human Circulatory System Diagram

Human Circulatory System - Transportation

Circulatory system diagram highlighting the various pathways of blood (Blue=De-oxygenated blood & Red=Oxygenated blood)

Human Circulatory System

The human circulatory system consists of a network of arteries, veins, and capillaries, with the heart pumping blood through it. Its primary role is to provide essential nutrients, minerals, and hormones to various parts of the body. Alternatively, the circulatory system is also responsible for collecting metabolic waste and toxins from the cells and tissues to be purified or expelled from the body.

Features of Circulatory System

The crucial features of human circulatory are as follows:

The human circulatory system consists of blood, heart, blood vessels, and lymph.

The human circulatory system circulates blood through two loops (double circulation) – One for oxygenated blood, another for deoxygenated blood.

The human heart consists of four chambers – two ventricles and two auricles.

The human circulatory system possesses a body-wide network of blood vessels. These comprise arteries, veins, and capillaries.

The primary function of blood vessels is to transport oxygenated blood and nutrients to all parts of the body. It is also tasked with collecting metabolic wastes to be expelled from the body.

Most circulatory system diagrams do not visually represent is its sheer length. Theoretically, if the veins, arteries, and capillaries of a human were laid out, end to end, it would span a total distance of 1,00,000 kilometres (or roughly eight times the diameter of the Earth).

Organs of Circulatory System

The human circulatory system comprises 4 main organs that have specific roles and functions. The vital circulatory system organs include:


Blood (technically, blood is considered a tissue and not an organ)

Blood Vessels

Lymphatic system


The heart is a muscular organ located in the chest cavity, right between the lungs. It is positioned slightly towards the left in the thoracic region and is enveloped by the pericardium. The human heart is separated into four chambers; namely, two upper chambers called atria (singular: atrium), and two lower chambers called ventricles.

Heart - Human Circulatory System

Heart, a major part of the human circulatory system

Though other animals possess a heart, the way their circulatory system functions is quite different from humans. Moreover, in some cases, the human circulatory system is much more evolved when compared to insects or molluscs.

Answered by OoINTROVERToO

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