Who define sociology has a long past but only a short history?
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Psychology has a long past but only a short history (Ebbinghaus, 1908). These were the words with which Ebbinghaus began his popular general textbook of psychology. As we know, they were the words of a slogan that quickly acquired a life of its own, often repeated, most famously by E.G. Boring two decades later.
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Auguste Comte define sociology has a long past but only a short history.
- During the ancient period, there was social thinking: while sociology came to be known in the 19th century as a distinct discipline due to the efforts of the 'French theorist' Auguste Comte, it is not correct to assume that no social theory existed before him.
- Auguste Comte was a French theorist (1798–1857), sometimes referred to as the "father of sociology," first used the word "sociology" in 1838 to refer to society's scientific study.
- He assumed that through the following phases both communities formed and progressed: social, psychological, and research.
Learn more about auguste comte
Contributions of sociology to auguste comte
Why is Auguste Comte considered the father of sociology?
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