who did the boy go to for work
i don't no please sorry
why boys go to work for longer times
Why are workplace flexibility programs so hard to sustain? The business case for such programs’ benefits is well known. The elimination of ROWE is particularly striking because the path-breaking work of Erin Kelly, Phyllis Moen, and their colleagues, has produced rigorous regressions that ROWE reduced turnover and turnover intentions, reduced employees’ interruptions at work, reduced time employees’ engaged in work of little value to the company, and increased employee’s sense of job involvement, using rigorous social science methodology.
But the issue here is not money. At issue are manliness and morality.
For upper-middle class men, notes sociologist Lamont, ambition and a strong work ethic are “doubly sacred. . . as signals of both moral and socioeconomic purity.” Elite men’s jobs revolve around the work devotion schema, which communicates that high-level professionals should “demonstrate commitment by making work the central focus of their lives” and “manifest singular ‘devotion to work,’ unencumbered with family responsibilities,” to quote sociologist Mary Blair-Loy. This ideal has roots in the 17th century Protestant work ethic, in which work was viewed as a “calling” to serve God and society. The religious connection has vanished….or has it?