who discovered
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This equation is Known as mass energy equivalence relation. This is proposed by Scientist Albert Einstein
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Was Einstein the First to Invent E = mc2?
The great physicist was not the first to equate forms of mass to energy, nor did he definitively prove the relationship
By Tony Rothman on August 24, 2015
No equation is more famous than E = mc2, and few are simpler. Indeed, the immortal equation’s fame rests largely on that utter simplicity: the energy E of a system is equal to its mass m multiplied by c2, the speed of light squared. The equation’s message is that the mass of a system measures its energy content. Yet E = mc2 tells us something even more fundamental. If we think of c, the speed of light, as one light year per year, the conversion factor c2 equals 1. That leaves us with E = m. Energy and mass are the same.

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