English, asked by shweta4855, 10 months ago

who else applied the brakes all at once? who was sitting the next driver? what was she holding? what happened to it


Answered by Jeepal


Please give about the chapter.

Answered by HarshChaudhary0706



As per the Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000, “An area not less than 100 metres around hospitals, educational institutions and courts may be declared as silence area or zone.” As per Rule 23 of the Motor Vehicles (Driving), Regulations, 2017, “Unnecessary use of horn is prohibited Since there is a 1 second delay (driver reaction time) in hitting your brakes (both recognition and reaction time is often 2 seconds), the total time to stop is 5.4 seconds to 6.4 seconds.  Cornering Too Quickly

One of the easiest bad driving habits to fix is taking turns too quickly. When you drive your car through a corner too fast, you put extra strain on your tires, suspension, steering, brakes, and other parts. You won't just wear out your tires more quickly.

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