Who got 90 above percentage this year in class 10. Pls tell me and guide me how to do maths study
do the maths sum that is hard practice it everyday..
Answer: I got 91% in 10th class in year 2017-18(means last year) .
First thing I tell you is 10th is very very scoring so even if you'll work a little hard then you can get around 90-95% .
Let's come back to maths ;
Maths requires practice. So , doing whole NCERT(all questions and EXAMPLES) twice. It is a must.....
I mean atlest you have to do it...!!!!!
Secondly, if you are seeking to get maths in 11th , practicing RD Sharma can be very helpful. If you cant do the whole RD(I mean obviously , no one can ) , then just do important chapters from it .
For example : Trigonometry , Circles , etc . (To make it more easy , do only those which were in previous year papers) .
● Key Points :
• RD Sharma for extra clearity and
• Regularity
Please mark as Brainliest
Thank You
Looking forward for your Outstanding Result !