English, asked by swastikakarmakar03, 6 months ago

who harms the flowers of summer?​


Answered by SasmitaBiswal


Different creatures like plants and animals

Answered by tiwariakdi


Respiration increases with temperature and so does ageing. High temperature affects petal colour and flower size.


According to the poet summer is undoubtedly beautiful. His opinion is that all beautiful objects of nature are subject to decay and change. So the beauty of the summer also loses its beauty with the passages of time. But his beloved friend's beauty will live forever in the eternal lines of his poem.

The poet establishes a metaphor to compare his young friend to a summer's day. He observes that summer's beauty is not permanent. But his friend is more lovely. He is calmer and a lot more moderate. On the other hand, summer is very rough and hot. In summer violent winds shake the beautiful buds. Again, summer does not last long. Sometimes the summer's sun is very hot and its golden colour is often dimmed by clouds. The poet sees that every fair object of the earth loses its beauty and charm very soon. Nature's changing course or chance affects all beautiful objects of the earth. The poet is happy to declare that his friend's beauty will never be destroyed by the ravages of time. The young man will never lose possession of his physical beauty.Death can't spoil it. For, he will be ever living through the poet's verses. The poet has deep faith in the power of his creation as he is confident that his friend whom he glorifies in his poetry will be immortal through it. For, the readers will ever appreciate this lovely sonnet which underlines the eternal beauty of the young man. individually. The 154 sonnets were just on the way to form a group. So the poet did not bother about the title of a sonnet. But every poem when treated separately should have a title. So is the convention. Hence the present sonnet has got a title of its own. The first line of the sonnet is chosen as its title. Now we are to judge whether it has become appropriate. The main theme of the sonnet is the matchless beauty of a young man the poet loved passionately. The poet celebrates the man's superiority in the sonnet. Obviously comes the need of a comparison. And the poet seeks to compare him to a day of summer, the loveliest of all seasons. But in a bid to glorify the young man he finds that summer has its shortfalls. It is not permanent and its beauty is often marred by the changing course of nature. The poet clarifies his theme all by comparison. Summer' is the key-word of the poem. Summer has become synonymous to beauty. Hence the poet says that the young man possesses 'Eternal Summer' which will not fade. So the title is apt in every sense.



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