Physics, asked by Jaf2008, 7 months ago

Who invented Gravity? Give a few facts about him.
​Plz answer it fast


Answered by bijayjames291


In 1687 Isaac newton and Albert Einstein consequently developed the theory of Gravity as they applied simple mathematics while knowing an object that drops down at earth's surface never raises high"" Please mark the answer brainliest ""

Answered by BrainIyStars

Correct Question :-

Who discovered Gravity ?

Answer :-

The phenomenon of gravitation was discovered by Sir Isaac Newton.

Its said that , Sir Isaac Newton had discovered the gravitational force by seeing an apple fall from a tree on the ground. He wondered why all apples fall vertically downwards and not at an angle to the vertical. Why don't they fly off in a horizontal direction ? What could be the reason behind this ?

After much thought , he came to the conclusion that the Earth must have been attracting the apple towards itself and this attractive force must have been directed towards the center of the Earth. The direction from the apple on the tree to the center of the Earth is in the vertical direction at the position if the apple and thus , the apple falls vertically downwards.

Who was Sir Isaac Newton ?

Sir Isaac Newton was one of the greatest scientist of the recent times. He was born in England . He gave his laws of motion , equations of motions and theory of gravity in his book named as Principia . He was the first scientist to construct a reflecting telescope .

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