English, asked by za580165, 10 months ago

Who is Antonio and Salarino​


Answered by sainee290109


A Venetian gentleman, and friend to Antonio, Bassanio, and Lorenzo. Salarino escorts the newlyweds Jessica and Lorenzo to Belmont, and returns with Bassanio and Gratiano for Antonio's trial. He is often almost indistinguishable from his companion Solanio.

Answered by mutazeemkhanday


Antonio is the character in Shakespeare's the merchant of venice .he is a mide age man and a merchant by trade who has his financial interests tied up in overseas shipment when the play begins which was the last play of Shakespeare.

salrino is a fictional character in this play of Shakespeare and was the frnd of Antonio ,Bassanio, and lorenzo.

I hope it will help you bro ☺

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