who is Bindusara? write few lines about him.
Bindusara Biography
Bindusara (298 B.C.-273 B.C.), son of Chandra Gupta, was the second to sit on the throne of the Great Mauryan Dynasty.
Chandra Gupta ruled for about twenty five years and then became a Jain ascetic, leaving behind him a fairly huge Empire which included Baluchistan, Afghanistan, Assam , Orissa, West Bengal, Bihar, Mysore, Vindhyas, Narmada and Hindukush, for his son to inherit.
Bindusara further expanded the Mauryan Dynasty as far as Mysore down south. It is said that he conquered sixteen states to extend the empire between the two seas. Bindusara did not attack the Dravidian Kingdoms of the Cholas, the Pandyans and the Cheras perhaps because they were friendly with the Mauryan Empire.
He ran the administration smoothly and maintained a good relation with distant countries like the Greeks, the Syrians and the Egyptians. Ambassadors from these countries lived in the King’s Court. He was called ‘Amitrochates’ or the destroyer of enemies by the Greeks.
Hii friend
Bindusara, also called Bindusara Maurya, Greek Amitrochates, (born c. 320 bce—died 272/3 bce), second Mauryan emperor, who ascended the throne about 297 bce. Greek sources refer to him as Amitrochates, Greek for the Sanskrit amitraghata (“destroyer of foes”).