Who is first in a father's life? his son or his wife?
Who is first in a father's life? his son or his wife?
His Wife
The prevailing framework with which dads approach their role in the family is as an equal partnership with their wife. Dads view their role as that of a team player with shared responsibility with their wife rather than split responsibility. Instead of taking sole ownership for the financial support of the family, many dads share this role with their wife. In return, they play active roles in caring for the children and completing other domestic duties. In this shared responsibility fathering role, dads, as well as moms, deal with the daily frustrations of getting children ready to leave and the hassles of shuttling them to their activities.
Even very traditional dads tend to have less of a split-responsibility partnership, and more of a shared-responsibility partnership. These dads complete a variety of domestic duties and reject conventional divisions of household labor. Traditional dads see completing domestic duties as one of the best ways to love their wife sacrificially. Other dads see completing domestic duties as just a natural extension of having a household or the only way tasks will be done the way that they like them. Most dads will take at least some responsibility for childcare and cleaning the house while their wife will often contribute to the family financially and do chores such as mowing the lawn.
Jake explains this approach by sharing, “We’re a team, my wife and I. There’s nothing that I can’t do or won’t do for the kids and vice versa. She does everything from, you know, dog care to, you know, working outside, working in the yard. We don’t have one task that’s just mine. We don’t have one task that’s just hers…So, our family’s important and we’re together… We’re doing it as a team together.” This team approach is so prevalent in dads; most children are spending healthy amounts of time and developing meaningful relationships with both their moms and their dads.
Dads have a stronger connection with their children as a positive outcome from this shared-responsibility arrangement. Most dads hold significant responsibility in caring for the daily needs of their children. The overwhelming majority prioritize their activities in order to maximize time with their families. As a result of the large amount of time dads are spending with their children, they experience a high level of emotional warmth in the relationships they have with their children.
When both parents work and the dad’s job begins later than the mom’s job, dads typically shoulder the entire responsibility for getting children ready in the mornings. Even dads with an early morning commute are usually involved with the children’s morning routines. They are also every bit as engaged in bedtime routines as they are in getting the kids ready in the mornings. Many dads use bedtime as an opportunity to intentionally build their relationship with their children.