who is Ghost & zombie??
I'm ghost you're zombie
Bana diye na pair(≧▽≦)(≧▽≦)
A Ghost
A “ghost” asset is a fixed asset on a general ledger that cannot be accounted for because it is not physically present or has been rendered unusable.
Let’s ignore the ethics of how Dracula acquires so many properties. The point is he sells them off so quickly Igor sometimes forgets to remove them from the general ledger. These are ghost assets, and Dracula is getting taxed on them.
A Zombie
A “zombie” asset is an asset that exists physically but is not recorded in any accounting records.
Frankenstein is always on the lookout for good spare parts in case one of his toes wears out or one of his arms begins to sag. He tries to keep accurate records on which parts he has discarded, which he has in inventory, and which he is currently using. But he’s not much of a record keeper. He recently forgot to account for the very hand he was using to do his accounting, a hand that is now a zombie asset.