who is known as frontier gandhi
The Frontier Gandhi: Badshah Khan, a Torch for Peace, a documentary released in 2008, is the first full film account of Pashtun leader and nonviolent activist Abdul Ghaffar Khan, also known as Badshah Khan or Bacha Khan. The documentary is the work of filmmaker and writer T.C. Wikipedia
Initial release: February 2008
Director: Teri C. McLuhan
Screenplay: Teri C. McLuhan
Producer: Teri C. McLuhan
Music director: David Amram
Languages: Pashto, Urdu, Hindi, English Language
The Frontier Gandhi: Badshah Khan, a Torch for Peace, a documentary released in 2008, is the first full film account of Pashtun leader and nonviolent activist Abdul Ghaffar Khan, also known as Badshah Khan or Bacha Khan. The documentary is the work of filmmaker and writer T.C.
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