Hindi, asked by Hello090, 3 months ago

Who is Lovely }}}}}!}?}?}}?}?{?{?{?{{?{​


Answered by ganeshprasadv5



Who is a lovely person?

If someone is lovely, that person is very good to look at. A lovely person is someone that you might love if you saw her or him. She is such a lovely girl. If a thing is lovely, seeing it makes you feel good. We had a lovely view of the mountains.


What do mean by lovely?

1 : delightful for beauty, harmony, or grace : attractive She looks lovely in that dress.

2 : grand, swell what a lovely morning.

3 : eliciting love by moral or ideal worth A lovely woman who loves him for himself, not for his money.


What is the full form of lovely?

Full Form. Name. Lovable Observant Vigorous Exquisite Loyal Youthful.


Hope this helps you dear


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