who is Montomerency
Montmorency is jerome's pet. He is a fox terrior and is taken along on the trip by the three friends. Montmorency is called an 'angel' sent to earth by the author. However he is exactly the opposite of an angel.
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Secondary School English 5 points
Who is montmorency ?
Ask for details Follow Report by SnehaSharma123 19.01.2018
Aishwarya0739 Expert
Montmerency is not portrayed as a mere dog. He is one of the most important part of the journey. He is potrayed as the root cause of all mischief.
Montmorency is jerome's pet. He is a fox terrior and is taken along on the trip by the three friends. Montmorency is called an ‘angel' sent to earth by the author. However he is exactly the opposite of an angel. He loved to be perfect nuisance for others.J thinks he might not survive long. He is quite a mischievious dog.