English, asked by Palukurisuptha, 1 year ago

who is Munodi ? In Gulliver Travels


Answered by ghousi
Lord munodi is the governor of the town Lagado.

ghousi: plz mark it as the best as i answer it first
Palukurisuptha: thank you my friend
ghousi: u r always welcome
honeysweety: pls mark it as a best
ghousi: thanks friend
Palukurisuptha: u r welcome ......
Answered by honeysweety
the guy has a pretty minor character in the story.he was the governor of the city of the lagado. he has a main role showing the possiblities of individual within a brain washed community. munodi is a rare example of practical intelligenge but helped gulliver a lot 

Palukurisuptha: thank's for explaining the answer in brief
honeysweety: my pleasure
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