CBSE BOARD XII, asked by jagadeesanvetr4230, 1 year ago

Who is responsible for corruption ?


Answered by samikshasharma01


The general perception is that most of the ministers , politicians , bureaucrats and government employees at all levels are corrupt. This appears to be true though there may be some exceptions.

However, one need to keep in mind that large percentage of people who are not ministers , politicians, bureaucrats or government employees at any level are also corrupt.

While the anti corruption movement is targeted largely against ministers and politicians which is right, the fact is that amongst the citizens of India ,large percentage have indulged in corrupt practices at one time or the other. They have been ignored by the anti corruption agitators. This is the problem.

All of those who support Anna Hazare and his team should be encouraged. But, the unfortunate fact is that most of those supporters will not be able to swear that they have never been the beneficiary of corruption.

In purchasing a plot or selling a house, how many can say that they have never paid part of the money in cash to avoid tax. How many can say that they refused to bribe a police man when caught for traffic violation and instead of paying the bribe, opted to go to the police station and pay the fine which could be much higher. How many can say that they have not paid the “school fees and donation” to educational institutions for admission of their children , in cash as demanded by the management of educational institutions and then silently moved away without insisting on proper receipts. One can keep on pointing out such instances.

Such citizens should also be held equally responsible for corruption in India just as ministers and politicians.

Possibly, Anna Hazare will have a thin crowd to follow him, if only those who have never been the beneficiaries of corruption would be his followers

Corruption can be eliminated, only if the fight against corruption would take place in the minds and hearts of the citizens. It requires quality crusaders.

Hope it helps you

Pls marks it as brainliest

Answered by raninath


Among the most common causes of corruption are the political and that is responsible for the occurrence and the development of it; corruption always arises.


Hope it helps you

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