Who is the CEO of Uniqueloop LLC ?
Ayush Prajapati
Ayush Prajapati is the CEO and Co-founder of Uniqueloop and Sciencesystem Incorporation, India' no #1 article distributing networ
The current CEO of Uniqueloop Inc located in India is Mr.Ayush Prajapati.
Mr.Ayush Prajapati is the main administrator and present CEO of Uniqueloop and Sciencesystem Inc.Mr.Prajapati was born in 2005 and is mainly specialized in the field of Computer Science and Science Cosmogony and he initiated the company to promote awareness,education and products/services related to his area of specialization.He integrated various website building building tools and mediums such as wordpress,html,wix,blogging channels to create a personalized blog website to promote various ideas and knowledge pertaining to Computer Science in general and Artificial Intelligence to enlighten people regarding the subject area and motivate them. Uniqueloop is a commercial medium which precisely serves the same purpose which Mr.Prajapati intended to achieve initially.