Political Science, asked by zaheerkhan25, 5 months ago

who is the father of the nation?​


Answered by farhaan16


Mahatma Gandhi


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Answered by iamsumanyes

Hey there, here is your AnsweR,

Good Question mate!!

  • Who is the father of the nation?

Answer :

  • Mahatma Gandhi.

Mahatmi Gandhi to led India to Independence.

He is also known as "Father of Nation".

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Here is an Essay about Mahatma Gandhi :

Mahatma Gandhi is remembered in the whole world for their ethícalness. The 4 major weapons of mahatma is “Non-violence[Ahímsa], truth[Sàtya], love and fratérnity “. India has got freedom by gandhi’s these virtues.

nity “. India has got freedom by gandhi’s these virtues.Gandhiji’s Full name is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi .His mother name is Putalibai and father’s name is Karamachand .Gandhiji was blossemed on the earth on 2nd october, 1869 In the small town of Gujarat named Porbandar .His wife’s name is Kasturba and their sons name is Manilal ,Haridas ,Ramlal ,Devdas . After passing the Matric Examination in rajkót he went to England for higher studies.

t he went to England for higher studies.Gandhiji was an extra ordinary kid like many of us. In the starting he stays like a common child. He told lies only once in his life.However, he corrected his bad habits very soon. He smoked cigàrette only once. He took meat with his friend only once. All these things were done due to the influence of bad company in his childhood. One day he confessed all these bad deeds before his father and vowed not to repeat them.M.K.Gandhi was much affected by the character of the King Harischandra in the play entitled Raja Harischandra.

rette only once. He took meat with his friend only once. All these things were done due to the influence of bad company in his childhood. One day he confessed all these bad deeds before his father and vowed not to repeat them.M.K.Gandhi was much affected by the character of the King Harischandra in the play entitled Raja Harischandra.

rette only once. He took meat with his friend only once. All these things were done due to the influence of bad company in his childhood. One day he confessed all these bad deeds before his father and vowed not to repeat them.M.K.Gandhi was much affected by the character of the King Harischandra in the play entitled Raja Harischandra. Gandhiji completed his law in Eñgland and came back to India in 1893. He started his career as a lawyer.He supported the poor and truthful clients. He went to South Africa to deal with the cases of a Séth Abdulà one of the famous merchant.

one of the famous merchant.

one of the famous merchant. In South Africa he fought against many troubles. He discovered that the white men were ill treating the dark Indians there. He himself was tortured and insulted by the white often. One day, he was travelling in a first class compartment a train. He had booked a ticket for him. Still he was stopped and punished out of the compartment by the white men.

one of the famous merchant. In South Africa he fought against many troubles. He discovered that the white men were ill treating the dark Indians there. He himself was tortured and insulted by the white often. One day, he was travelling in a first class compartment a train. He had booked a ticket for him. Still he was stopped and punished out of the compartment by the white men.Gandhiji fought against this unjust and cruel treatment. He observed Satyàgraha there and became successful.In South Africa he built up his career as a Sàtyagrahi. He returned to India in 1915.In India he invented same condition by the white rulers.

tyagrahi. He returned to India in 1915.In India he invented same condition by the white rulers.Gandhiji fought against this unjust and cruel treatment. He observed Satyàgraha in Champaran,Bórsad and Dandi March.He had started Dandi March on 12th March 1930 from satyagrah ashram from ahmedabad with 78 other people to Dandi to broke the law of salt and became successful.He was sent to jail many times. Now all the countrymen were with him. He started the Non-co-operation in 1930 and the Quit India Movement in 1942. He became famous as the ‘Father of Nation’ Lastly India wins freedom on 15th August 1947.

942. He became famous as the ‘Father of Nation’ Lastly India wins freedom on 15th August 1947.Gandhi’s style of living was very simple. He was follower of ‘Simple living, high thinking’. He taught us the lesson of ‘Ahímsa’. He removed the caste barrier in India. He was a reformer. He was shot dead by an Indian on his way to attend a prayer on 30 January, 1948. Mahatma Gandhi is remembered in the world for his major virtues.

sa’. He removed the caste barrier in India. He was a reformer. He was shot dead by an Indian on his way to attend a prayer on 30 January, 1948. Mahatma Gandhi is remembered in the world for his major virtues.Salute to this Such A Great Person.

Please mark my answer as brainliest answer.

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