who killed pulakesin II?
Pulakeshin II was the famous ruler of the Chalukya dynasty of Vatapi between the sixth and the twelfth centuries. During his reign, Chalukya dynasty spread across the Deccan region. Pulakesin II lost his life in 642 A.D in a battle with the Pallava King Narasimhavarman I, who invaded the Chalukya Kingdom with his soldiers to capture the capital, Badami.
Pulekesin II was killed by Narasimhavarman of the Pallava kingdom.
After defeating his uncle in the Chalukyan capital of Badami the young Ereya took the title of Pulekesin II and started the reign to become one of the most successful kings and administrators not only in the Chalukyan empire but also in India. He defeated his arch-rivals the Pallavas after becoming king.
He wanted to expand his territory to further north and because of this he also fought a war with Harshavardhana of Kannuaj in which Harsha was defeated and a treaty was signed which marked Narmada river as their boundaries. After all this time the Pallavas regained their power and the young Narasimhavarman defeated the aging Pulekesin II and killed him.