Psychology, asked by joshikabanik, 7 months ago

who loves pokemon tell your favourite pokemon name​


Answered by xBrainlyKingXx



<font color="blue">

..... Pilachu and Charizard☺️

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <svg width="100%" height="300px">\ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ <g id="R1" transform="translate(250 250)"> \ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ <ellipse rx="100" ry="0" opacity=".3">\ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ <animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="rotate" dur="7s" from="0" to="360" repeatCount="indefinite" />\ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ <animate attributeName="cx" dur="8s" values="-20; 220; -20" repeatCount="indefinite" />\ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ <animate attributeName="ry" dur="3s" values="10; 60; 10" repeatCount="indefinite" />\ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ </ellipse>\ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ </g><use xlink:href="#R1" transform="rotate(72 390 150)" />\ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ <use xlink:href="#R1" transform="rotate(144 390 150)" />\ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ <use xlink:href="#R1" transform="rotate(216 390 150)" />\ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ <use xlink:href="#R1" transform="rotate(288 390 150)" />\ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ </svg></body></html>

Answered by Anonymous


I love Pokemon.....

Also Big Fan of Them

and my favourite one is Aercrus.

<body bgcolor="pink"><font color="red">

<marquee><svg width="350" height="350" viewBox="0 0 100 100">\ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ \ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ <path fill="orange" d="M92.71,7.27L92.71,7.27c-9.71-9.69-25.46-9.69-35.18,0L50,14.79l-7.54-7.52C32.75-2.42,17-2.42,7.29,7.27v0 c-9.71,9.69-9.71,25.41,0,35.1L50,85l42.71-42.63C102.43,32.68,102.43,16.96,92.71,7.27z"></path>\ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ \ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ <animateTransform \ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ attributeName="transform" \ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ type="scale" \ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ values="1; 1.5; 1.25; 1.5; 1.5; 1;" \ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ dur="2s" \ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ repeatCount="40"> \ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ </animateTransform>\ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ \ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ </svg>

<marquee behaviour-move> <font color ="red"><h1>☺Kingman3322☺</h1></marquee>

 <marquee> <font color ="purple"><h1>·.¸¸.·♩♪♫ Follow me ♫♪♩·.¸¸.·</marquee>

<marquee scrollamount=5>NAMASTE</marquee>

<marquee>☺ <marquee>☺ <marquee>Thank You


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