Who made a serious effort to bring Madhav Rao second as Maratha peshwa
Madhavrao II was the posthumous son of Peshwa Narayanrao by his wife, Gangabai. After Narayanrao's murder, Raghunathrao became Peshwa but was soon deposed by the courtiers and knights of the Maratha Empire. They instead installed Gangabai's new born son, Madhavrao II, as the Peshwa with the courtiers, led by Nana Fadnavis, as the Regents. Madhavrao II was made Peshawa when he was barely 40 days old. His time in power was dominated by the political intrigues of Nana Phadnis.
Narayan rao became Peshwa in 1772 and later he was murdered by the supporters of Raghunath Rao (Raghoba).
During this time Peshwa narayan rao’s wife was pregnant. In such situation Raghunath Rao became the Peshwa in 1773, for the time being. The chief Amathya Nana Phadnavis, to avoid the forthcoming risk to the state, he kept the widow queen Gangabai at Purandargad secretly with the all measurements of the security. He had a doubt that if the widow-queen would give birth to the female child Raghunath Rao (Raghoba) would be declared as the peshwa. He didn’t want to be it. So he kept some of other pregnant women of the same period of the widow-queen, along with her who were belonged to the different Brahmin communities. Among such other pregnant women of Ravajibai Divekar who belonged to Daivajnya Brahmin was one of them. With the grace of the god the both pregnant women-the widow queen and Ravaji Diveker gave birth to the new children at the same time, in 1774. Peshwa Narayan Rao’s widow queen gave birth to the female child and Ravajibai Divekar who belonged to Daivajnya Brahmin community gave birth to a male child. As Nana Phadanavis heard this message, he arranged to replace the female child of the widow –queen with the male child of Ravajibai Divekar secretly. The subjects of the state became happy as they heard that the widow-queen had given birth to the male child who would be the next Peshwa. Acting Peshwa Raghunath Rao (Raghoba) couldn’t do anything before the wit and wisdom of nana Phadnavis. The male child was named as sawai madhav rao 2 and declared as the Peshwa of Pune .thus a child born to a Daivajnya Brahmin couple became the Peshwa of Maratha state in Pune. This mystery was maintained secretly for the long period .Raghunath rao (Raghoba) ruled as the acting Peshwa for two years from 1773 to 1775. There was lot of resentment among the people of the state against the cruel murder of the Peshwa Narayan rao and held a judicial enquiry under the leadership of the renowned justice rama shastri. He pointed out that the acting Peshwa Raghunath rao (Raghoba) was the prime author of the murder. As the result of it, the responsible ministers of the royal court and leaders of maharashtra formed a council of state known as “BARA BHAI” for the conduct of the affairs of the state. The posthumous son of narayan rao who was named as sawai madhav rao 2 declared as the “peshwa” in the next political development. Raghunath rao (Raghoba) fled away from the scene .the council of state; “BARA BHAI” began to conduct the affairs of the state on the name of Sawai Mdhav Rao 2 as he was a minor. The new Peshwa Sawai Madhav Rao 2 lived only for 21 years and died in 1795. As he had no successor of his own blood, Balaji rao 2 (1796-1818) the son of Raghunath rao (Raghoba) became the next Peshwa. Thus for the short period of 20 years (1775-1795). Sawai Madhav rao 2, son of Daivajnya Brahmin couple had occupied the seat of maratha peshwa in pune. After his death gradually the secret of his birth came out. The next historians traced out the secret of the birth of Sawai madhav rao 2, that he really belonged to Daivajnya Brahmin community. This fact is mentioned in the book “Peshwas Diary” written by the well known social reformer justice M.G.RANADE and the historical documents of “Peshwas Daftar”. The daughter (Peshwa princess) born to the widow queen was brought up at Ravajibai Divekar ,a Daivajnya Brahmin family.she was named as “Durga bai”,she was married to a Daivajnya Brahmin. At the young age she died without a child. Being a princess of Peshwa family, in her memory the chief Amatya Nana Phadnavis erected a temple of Durga devi, which is still under the management of Daivajnya Brahmin community. The durga devi temple of pune city is stood as the live example for the fact regarding the mystery of the birth of Peshwa Madhav Rao (1774-1795)
Martha federation
How means when Narayan Rao is killed by raghobha maratha federation brought madhav Rao second as peshwa of maratha.