who many population in India
The population of india is nearly 133.92 crores (2017)
According to the Census of India 2011, the population of India stood at 1,210,854,977 comprising of 623,270,258 males and 587,584,719 females.
The percentage decadal growth during 2001-2011 was 17.70%, 3.84% lower than 1991-2001 period. The percentage decadal growth during 2001-2011 has registered the sharpest decline since independence. Population of India has increased by 182.1 million during the decade 2001- 2011. The increased population during the decade 2001-2011 is approximately equal to the population of pakistan, the sixth most populous country in the world.
As of 2020, Share of population in the age group 0-14 is 26.58 percent. Share of economically active population (15-59 years) is 63.34 percent. 10.08% Indian has age more than 60 year.
Population density of India is 455 people per sq. km (1180 per sq. mile).
Population of India, which at the turn of the twentieth century, was only around 238.4 million increased by more than five times in a period of 110 years to reach 1210 million at 2011. Population of India increased by 3.35 times since independence.
133.92 crores ( 2017)