who narrated the parrable the good Samaritan?
NARRATOR 1 - One day a young man asked Jesus, "Who is my neighbor?"
NARRATOR 2 - To help him understand , Jesus told the story of the Good Samaritan.
JESUS - One day a man was walking down the road from Jerusalem to Jericho.
THE GOOD SAMARITAN (Parable - Luke 10: 25-37)
NARRATOR 1 - One of the lessons Jesus taught was the Commandment of Love.
NARRATOR 2 -. You should love the Lord, your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength and with all your mind. And love your neighbor as you love yourself..
NARRATOR 1 - One day a young man asked Jesus, "Who is my neighbor?"
NARRATOR 2 - To help him understand , Jesus told the story of the Good Samaritan.
JESUS - One day a man was walking down the road from Jerusalem to Jericho.
MAN - When I sell my goods, I'll be able to buy some gifts for my family.
JESUS - The man was attacked by robbers.
ROBBER 1 - Give us all your money and goods.
MAN - No, I need to sell the goods to get money for my family.
ROBBER 2 - Then we shall beat you.
JESUS - The man tried to fight back, but the robbers beat him.
ROBBER 1 - We have his money and his goods.
ROBBER 2 - Let's run. I hear someone coming.
JESUS - They left the man half dead on the side of the road. Along came a man. His head was bowed down and he was praying as he walked. He saw the injured man but kept walking past him..
PRIEST - Poor man! He must have been beaten by robbers. But I can't stop and help him. Someone else will be coming soon. They can help.
JESUS - Another man came by and saw the injured man.
LEVITE - Poor man! He is hurt. But I am in a hurry. I have no time to stop and help him. Someone else will come by soon.
JESUS - Then a Samaritan came down the road and saw the injured man.
SAMARITAN - Poor fellow. What happened? Are you badly hurt?
MAN - I was on my way to town .Some robbers jumped me and took my money and goods. They beat me and left me here half dead.
SAMARITAN - First let me take care of your wounds. Then I will take you somewhere safe to rest and get well.
MAN - Thank you ! You are very kind to help me.
SAMARITAN - I don't think that you will be able to go far. There is an inn down the road. I will take you there.
JESUS - When they got to the inn, the Good Samaritan knocked on the door.
SAMARITAN - Please let us in. We need your help.
INN KEEPER - Good day to you. Poor man! What happened to him.
SAMARITAN - Robbers beat him and robbed him. He needs a bed to rest and time to heal his wounds. Will you take care of him?
INN KEEPER - Yes, I will look after him. I have a bed for him.
SAMARITAN - Thank you. Here is some money. If it is not enough, I'll give you more when I return tomorrow.
NARRATOR 1 - After Jesus finished telling the story. he asked the young man, "Which man do you think was a neighbor to the man who was hurt?"
NARRATOR 2 - The young man replied that it was the one who helped the injured man.
JESUS - We must love God above all and we must love one another. Remember that whatever you do to others, you do to me.