who occupies a prime place of market
The main seller or in Latin boong occupies
The most valuable companies in the world's market are:
1) Saudi Aramco
Net Worth: $1,880 bln.
Industry: Oil and gas production, refining.
Products: Oil, natural gas and other petrochemical products.
2) Apple inc.
Net Worth: $1,397 bln.
Industry: electronics, information technology.
Products: Personal computers and tablets, mobile phones, etc.
3) Microsoft
Net Worth: $1,274 bln.
Industry: software development.
Products: Microsoft Office, Microsoft Windows, Xbox.
4) Alphabet Inc.
Net Worth: $1,020 bln.
Industry: Internet.
5) Amazon Inc.
Net Worth: $924.52 bln.
Industry: Retail business.
6) Facebook
Net Worth: $633.49 bln.
Industry: Internet.
7) Alibaba Group
Net Worth: $610.13 bln.
Industry: Internet.
Products: E-commerce, online auction hosting, online money transfers, mobile commerce.
8) Berkshire Hathaway Inc.
Net Worth: $562.39 bln.
Industry: insurance, finances, railway transport, utilities, food, and non-food products.