Who said 'Tolgo phonic'? What happened after these words were spoken? in emperor seed
After the shipwreck Gulliver swam as his fortune directed him and was pushed forward by wind and tide to a desolate island.
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English Literature - Class 6
The English Channel – The Little People ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ by Jonathan Swift
The Little People - Questions
The Little People - Questions
About the passage
A. Read to understand
Answer the following questions.
1. What does Gulliver mean when he says ‘our voyage was at first very fine’?
2. What was the rescue arrangement aboard the Antelope in case of a shipwreck? Did it prove to be useful?
3. What happened to Gulliver after the shipwreck?
4. ‘The creatures ran off a second time.’
a. When had the ‘creatures’ run off the first time?
b. What made them run off the second time?
5. ‘Tolgo phonic’ – who said these words? What happened after these words were spoken?
6. What protected Gulliver from the arrows and spears?
B. Read to infer
1. Answer these questions.
a. Why do you think the creatures on the island fastened Gulliver to the ground?
b. Would you agree with the statement that Gulliver was the first human to visit the island?
c. Gulliver says, ‘I felt at least fifty more of the same kind (as I imagined) following the first.’
i. What does ‘the first’ refer to?
ii. Where did the ‘fifty more’ follow ‘the first’?
iii. In what way were they ‘of the same kind’?
iv. Why does Gulliver say ‘as I imagined’?
d. What do you think the phrase ‘Tolgo Phonic’ means? Give reasons for your answer.
2. A cause is followed by its effect. Complete this table by filling in the effects of these events from the passage. One has been done for you.
C. Discuss
1. The passage ends with this line:’… what was in store for me next, I never could have imagined!’ Write down three sentences about what you think might have happened to Gulliver. Share them with the class. Later, you could read the novel Gulliver’s Travels and find out what actually happened.
2. On October 12, 1492, Christopher Columbus stepped ashore on an island that has come to be known as the Americas. However, it was not what he had set out to find. How do you think he would have reacted to the inhabitants of the island; and how would they have reacted to him?