who started civil service to effectively administer the companies territories in India?
Lord Cornwallis
Civil Services was started by Lord Cornwallis and hence he is called the “Father of Indian Civil Service”. Cornwallis realised that in order to consolidate the British rule in India, it was very important to organise the civil services.
Lord Cornwallis started the Civil Service to effectively administer the British territories in India.
Lord Cornwallis started the Civil Service to administer the British territories in India effectively.
To train civil servants, the Fort William college was setup in Calcutta in 1801.
The East India college in England was another institution that imparted training.
Initially, civil servants were nominated by the directors of the East India Company.
From 1853, civil servants were selected through a competitive examination.
The British did not allow Indians to compete for higher posts.
The territories held by the British in India were divided into districts.