Who told the first at the end of the middle ages that the pope could not be placed above the secular government?
Who told the first at the end of the middle ages that the pope could not be placed above the secular government?
Thomas More and Niccolo Machiavelli were the ones who established the criteria. In the Middle Ages, the Church significantly impacted all public activities.
In the context of European history, the period from the 5th century to the 15th century is called the Middle Ages. After the fall of the Roman Empire, Western civilization entered the era commonly known as the Middle Ages for a thousand years. Historically, it is difficult to say from which period or even the beginning and end of this era begins. Broadly speaking, the Middle Ages period can be said in Western Europe from the beginning of the fifth century to the fifteenth.
There is no uniformity in the so-called Middle Ages, which can be divided into two definite and separate eras. The period before the 11th century was called the 'Andha Yuga' due to constant conflicts, indiscipline, and illiteracy, although steps were taken to transform Europe. This era began with the German Empire established by the barbarian Goths, the Franks, the Vandals, and the Vargundians, in the territories of Western Europe of the Roman Empire. Even the mighty Charlemagne (742-814) could bring about the law for a short time. The discord of Charlemagne's chieftains and the invasions of the North Slavs and the Sourasians brought Western Europe to the same anarchy as it had in the seventh and eighth centuries. Therefore, the Christian world of the seventh and eighth centuries was at a lower level of civilization and culture than the Greek-Roman world of the first century. Apart from home-building education, there was no progress in any field of education, science, and art. Yet Andha Yuga was not as dark as it is said. Christian monks and priests kept the lamp of knowledge lit. From the end of the 11th century to the 15th century, the man was progressing in every direction in the late Middle Ages. The feeling of national unity came in England in the 11th century and France in the 12th century. The laxity of Charlemagne's successors and the rise of the Christian Church allowed the Pope to become the sole presiding officer of Christian society. Therefore, this rivalry is evident in the competition between the Pope and the Roman Emperor, the Holy Crusade, the control of learning, and the international nature of Roman Catholicism.
By the end of the 13th century, the national states had become so powerful that the decline of church power seemed certain. From the ninth century to the 14th century, the physical, political, and social basis of Western Europe was feudalism, the reason for the rise of which was the weakening of the king's powers. This organization of society arose through the land system. The Bhumipati feudal lord directly owned all the people under his kingdom. The medieval age is notable for the development of civilian life. Most medieval towns developed around feudal bastions, monasteries, and centers of commerce. Trade flourished in Europe in the 12th and 13th centuries. The cities of Italy, especially Venice and Genoa, became centers of eastern trade. Cotton, silk, precious gems, gold, and spices were brought to Europe by them. One of the characteristics of the Middle Ages is achieving the fame of the merchant class parallel to the priestly and feudal class. Out of these arose the modern middle class.
The art and intellectual life of the Middle Ages are famous for their special successes. Latin was the international language in the Middle Ages, but the rise of vernacular languages after the 11th century ended the importance of this ancient language. The ownership of the clergy on Vidya also started to end quickly. Universities emerged in the 12th and 13th centuries. Along with the works of Aristotle, the study of law, philosophy, and theology became popular. But there was a complete lack of scientific literature. Building-building art was predominant, as is evident from the splendid churches, churches, and city buildings. The Gothic method developed in place of the Roman method of building construction. Most of the characteristics of the modern age are the intensity of the flows of the post-medieval era.
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