English, asked by kabineshkanishka, 10 months ago

us to either te)
That chair is not BRC
That chair is BROKE.
however, might be
If you can't afford to
chair that's BROKE
complete the sumunary ol
table word/phrane in each blank
younR Highland
alone and singe to herself. The poet asks
16 terefilly, because the whole (b) vale puud
ined with the overflowing sound of her singing. He asks
and listen to her sad song, or
enthy pass by so as not to disturb her
He goes on to say that no nightingale ever sang a more
song to bands of tired (e) incarndomen
in the Arabian Desert. The poet asserts that the beauty
or the girl's singing exceeds that of the cuckoo's in the
Her singing is also the only thing which
the silence of the valley.
The poet tries to (h)
what the girl is
singing about. He is unable to get the words of the song
clearly. He thinks that perhaps she is singing about old
sorrows or 10
fought long ago, or more
routine concerns of life or even some 6)
which she has endured and may endure again.
At the end, he quietly walks away with a feeling that
he may never be able to find out the (k).
her never-ending song. Nevertheless, he asserts that her
singing has captured his imagination so much that he will
the music in his heart long after it is
heard no more​


Answered by siddharthrock729


yes he is little tired

thank you


Answered by jatingigulia67


They are imaginary lines drawn around earth. These lines runs from east to west direction and each line are parallel to each other. They are used to find out positions of East-west form a grid on earth's surface which is formed by the longitudes

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