who was Alexander please tell fast
I think you are referring to Alexander of Macedonia?Alexander had conquered many lands but he had stopped his campaign at the banks of river ganges because his army was tired and frightened of the rulers eastwards of ganges.He had fought Porus also.They had a vicious fight but Poris lost despite having a much bigger army because-
Alexander was much more tactical
had attacked in the night
Porus's elephants went berserk causing damage to their own army
Indian longbows can penetrate the thickest of armour but they are placed on ground.That night it had rained.
this is all I am currently remembering.if you find my answer right mark me as Brainliest
abe oye alexgender ke ugda hua gender class jane kya karga behen ke
ganddd vibrate horaha hai kya answer dena he to de warna gandddmara