who was Anand? Why Anand leave his father's house? (Class 6) (Moral Science)
Anand is Mr Biswas and Shama’s second child and only son. Anand is three years younger than Savi and was also born while his father was absent, working at The Chase. In his earliest years, Anand is timid, anxious, diminutive, and often afraid to talk to his disappointed father, who gives him little attention and lets the Tulsis “claim” him. He has trouble in his first years at the mission school, but eventually becomes Mr Biswas’s favorite son, particularly after staying with his father at Green Vale “because they was going to leave you alone.” Anand quickly takes after his father’s interests in science, religion, and especially literature. After Mr Biswas convinces him to move to Port of Spain with promises of real ice cream and Coca Cola, Anand becomes something of a prodigy at school, winning affection and support from everyone in the family, much as Owad had. He becomes “strong” and starts to look down on his “weak” sisters; later, despite believing he failed his exhibition exams, he actually scores near the top of his class and wins a scholarship to the local college. His academic successes lead him to first revere, and then resent, Owad upon his return from England. At the end of the book, when Mr Biswas dies, Anand is abroad, also on scholarship. Many scholars have suggested that, especially since Mr Biswas represents V.S. Naipaul’s father, Anand represents Naipaul himself and could even be seen as the book’s narrator.